Sharing the Planet

During the evening debriefing, I said to the husband that I make a sincere effort to leave the house and head to town with a good attitude, anticipating the best in people. If nothing else, it helps my peace of mind. Yesterday, however, even that sincere effort wasn’t enough. I have a message for my fellow human beings:

NEWS FLASH: You are not the only person on the planet.

Truly, I am at a loss to explain how some people can go out into public and have no understanding of their position in space relative to other people:

  • Please take your Costco card out before you get to the entrance so you don’t hold up the line. You had that whole journey across the parking lot to get it out and have it ready.

  • Please do not walk into Costco and come to a full stop to put your card back in your wallet.

  • Please do not leave your cart in the middle of the aisle while you walk over to look at something. (Men—why is this a thing with men?)

  • Please do not bring your entire family to Costco and walk five abreast at a very slow pace.

  • If you run into an old friend at Costco, by all means, visit with them—I’ve been known to do this—but pull your carts out of the way, first.

That frustrating visit to Costco was topped off by a visit to the grocery store where, as I was heading to the exit with a full cart of groceries, a young woman was walking toward the door. She got close enough to the door to activate it, then turned around and stood there in the doorway, looking out at the parking lot, obviously waiting for someone else. Just as I was about to say, “Excuse me, please,” the man she was waiting for walked up and pointed out to her that she was blocking the way.

The husband said that the next time I am at Costco and someone’s cart is blocking the aisle, I should move it to the next aisle and see if they notice. Although the idea is tempting, I do not want to be blacklisted from all the stores in town.

The complete lack of self-awareness of some people confounds me.


I was at Joann Fabrics perusing the remnant rack when I overheard a conversation between a woman and one of the salespeople. The woman had asked for some assistance in choosing a sewing machine. I mind my own business, of course, but some of the things I hear make me roll my eyes even though I know it’s the job of the salesperson to sell new machines. I do not need to be an obnoxious vintage sewing machine evangelist everywhere I go.

This particular conversation, however, went sideways the moment the husband inserted himself into it and began telling the salesperson what his wife wanted. (The wife did not look as though she was happy about this, by the way.) Can you imagine me going to Home Depot with the husband and telling the salesperson what kind of power tool the husband needs? I am sure this guy thought he was being helpful. I finally had to walk away. I don’t know if they bought a new machine or not.


The husband and the crew made good progress on sheathing the shop ceiling yesterday.


They plan to finish it up today.

I watched this system with interest. When I first came in, the husband was on the floor handing a sheet of plywood up to the guys. As they lifted it into place, he scrambled up the side of the scaffolding and grabbed the nail gun. Watching him move, you would never know he is 53 years old. He moves faster and with more agility than a lot of 20 year-olds I know.

I am so glad I re-started my yoga exercises. Without the daily workout in the garden, I was starting to freeze up again. Even a simple 15-minute routine helps a lot. (Thank you, JC, for recommending SaraBeth Yoga—she is by far my favorite.)