The Bears Are Back in Town

Little did the husband realize, when he said that all we needed was for the bear to come back, that the bear is already here. This is a pic that my neighbor sent me from their game camera yesterday:


We are trying to decide if this is a black bear or a grizzly. When you can see a face, they are relatively easy to tell apart. Black bears have pointy noses. Grizzlies have flat, round faces. Grizzlies also have a hump between their shoulder blades. This bear is camera shy.

I am hoping this one is just passing through on his way to somewhere else. If it’s the same (black) bear that broke into the chicken coop last fall, I fear he has not learned his lesson and his days are numbered.

The electric fence is on around the chicken coop. We really need to get a game camera and mount it behind the chicken yard.


The husband says that I should not embellish his mechanical skills when I talk about him on the blog. I said that someone might want to write a ballad about him someday and they are going to need sufficient material to work with. Besides, good writing always benefits from a bit of hyperbole. I am not exaggerating much. People who don’t sew are amazed by people who can produce clothing. People who don’t work on cars are amazed by people who can take them apart and put them back together again.


The potatoes are up:


I have not yet seen any peas, however.

It took less than 24 hours after filling the hummingbird feeders for the birds to show up again. How amazing.


I spent some time yesterday afternoon cutting fabric scraps into tumbler units:


I had a whole bin of pieces that were too small to put back into the stash but too big for the scrap bag. Now I’ve got a respectable collection of tumbler blocks and some leftover strips.