A Concrete Post

I am aware that not all of my blog readers are interested in sewing content, so here are some pictures of the husband’s current project. He is building a concrete base for a bridge. I will try to explain these shots coherently, but this is not my area of expertise and he’s not interested in starting his own blog, so you get what you get.

These are the footings.


The walls get poured on top of them, which is why those long pieces of rebar are sticking up in the middle. They will anchor the wall in place.


This is what the footings look like after they are filled with concrete:


And that’s the husband’s computerized surveying and layout system. It rather reminds me of a droid:


These are the finished footings, ready for the walls to be formed and poured:


And these are the steel concrete forms for the walls.


I am not sure what the pouring schedule will be this week. The barn slab is ready to go, I think. Snow is in the forecast every day this week, which may or may not be an issue.