Property Work

While I was traveling, the husband was hard at work here. The side of the property where we lost all those trees is almost cleaned up. That was a huge job that took close to two years. He spent a few days last week landscaping with the heavy equipment.

I love that he smoothed out the transition from the “yard” to the “woods,” especially by the chicken coop:

This will make so many things easier, like getting in and out of there with the tractor.

The last few slash piles are burning:

Getting some larch seedlings to plant in this area next spring is on my to-do list. Also, now that this area is cleaned up, the ground squirrels have no cover left. They will have to move somewhere else.

A few dead trees still remain and have to come down, including a big one by the chicken coop. That will have to wait until next spring, I think.

We’re also putting a driveway on the south edge of the property.

This has been in the works for a couple of years. The easement to our rental property and to our neighbor’s property runs between our two parcels and comes out at the road on a dangerous blind corner. We’re moving that access to this side of the property. Our neighbors have horses, so hopefully this will also help make it easier to get their horse trailer in and out. Their property is landlocked behind ours. The fenceposts are for another neighbor’s fence project.


I made binding yesterday afternoon, mostly for the batch of casserole hot pads, but also so I would have a supply laid in for other projects. I can cut both straight-grain and bias strips on my Accuquilt cutter, which makes it fast and easy.

I got an order for more canvas grocery bags yesterday, too. I stopped making them when stores stopped letting people bring their own bags because of the pandemic. I think it’s time to start production again. The industrial serger is still set up to do them.

Today, though, I am going to baste three more tops for quilting, cut out the rest of the pieces for the Poppins Bag class tomorrow, and cut out a couple of long-sleeve tops to make for myself.

I have been griping to the husband about a few of the videos we’ve been watching lately. For some reason, I am overly sensitive to videos where people talk nonstop. He put one on last night—some British guy doing a commentary on phthalates in fast food—and I had to get up and leave. Listening to this guy was like trying to drink from a fire hose. I can’t process what some of these people are saying because they never slow down or take a breath. And it’s not just the videos on his YouTube account, either; I’ve had to turn off quilting videos for the same reason.

He says it’s because I have been living with him for 30 years and he doesn’t talk, LOL. I’m not entirely sure what the reason is, but if you’re a content creator, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, think about how you’re delivering your information. Silence is not a bad thing.