Flighty Leghorns

The husband brought the group of Leghorns home Wednesday evening. That night, several of them refused to come inside the coop. They slept outside. Yesterday, the entire group of Leghorns refused to come out of the coop, even for scratch grains.

The husband reminds me—frequently—that chickens have brains the size of peas.

These are some of the new chickens. It is hard to tell in the photo, but the ones in the middle are the ones I am calling “lavender” colored. They are actually a purple-tinged gray (use your imagination).


The one to the far left has more brownish coloring. Up close, the color differences are fairly dramatic. Leghorns are so flighty, though, that it was hard to get a good shot. That yellow rope in the middle of the picture is there to hold a metal cover over the waterer and feeder so the birds don’t roost on them.

The chicks now have their big chicken feathers. They are, however, the smallest creatures in the coop and tend to cower in abject terror when someone comes in.


The morels are up—this one was a mere 1” tall, so it will be a few more days yet to harvesting.


My new tractor is supposed to arrive today, complete with bagging attachment. I am eager to put it to work. Garden cleanup is mostly done save for moving a few pieces of black plastic around. I might plant some rows of lettuce, too. I had to kill off our perpetual lettuce patch last year because of weeds and I’d like to re-establish a new one somewhere else. The tray of lettuce in the greenhouse is coming along nicely, though.