And We Meet Again

According to the minutes, our last Mennonite Women meeting was March 5, 2020. We haven’t met for over a year, so our first get-together in more than 13 months was cause for rejoicing. Some of the women worked on the quilt that Pat and I set up on Tuesday:

Mennonite Women.jpg

They are doing a form of quilting called “prairie stitch,” which is done with a single strand of crochet cotton. It looks especially nice on this cheater top:


Elaine and I got out a comforter and spread it out on a table between us so we could tie it. She worked from one side and I worked from the other and we got most of it finished.

Holly showed us some wallhangings she put together. She said that one benefit of the pandemic was being able to get out and finish a whole bunch of kits and works-in-progress. I think that resonates with many of us. She’s going to send the wallhangings to Margaret in Indiana, who will hand quilt them and forward them to Mennonite Disaster Service. MDS gives each homeowner a hand-quilted wallhanging at the completion of a project.

I have missed this so much.

Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day with temps well up into the 70s. We’re back to cooler and rainier weather today, though, so I’ll be inside working on a few more serger projects. Out of curiosity, I went into the Old Navy store in Kalispell yesterday. The store opened just a few months ago, and while I stopped buying clothes from Old Navy when their inventory deteriorated to poorly-made goods that fell apart after one washing, I wanted to see what kinds of kids’ clothes they had. I picked up a pair of baby leggings so I could analyze the construction and possibly re-create them for a future serger class. I also found a top for myself made from knit fabric—the kicker is that this knit fabric is a blend of 55% linen and 45% cotton. I knew these plant fiber knit blends were out there, but I hadn’t seen any in person.

Clothing research. It’s about time to make myself some summer T-shirts, too.