Salsa Resupply, Part 1

The first batch of salsa is done.

My pressure canner holds 14 quarts. I did one run yesterday but decided against cooking down the next batch of tomatoes. Today’s schedule is such that I won’t have time to turn them into salsa and I didn’t want them to sit for two days.

I also worked on the quilt and made up all my coverstitch samples to drop off at the quilt store today. The furniture store delivered the replacement recliner and took the other one.

We were sitting in our respective recliners the other night, discussing the day’s events, when the husband said, “Do you want to hear a funny story?”

“Sure,” I said. The husband’s funny stories are rare, but worth waiting for.

He’s been in conversation all week with the guy at the tool supplier who sold him the ground heater. The tool supplier feels bad about what happened and told the husband to send them an invoice for the cost of the repairs. After the husband explained how he chased down and identified the problem, this guy said to him, “I could use you down here in Colorado to work on my wife’s BMW.”


This guy’s wife also has a diesel BMW, although a different model. That comment, naturally, led to a discussion about all the problems the husband has had to fix on The Diva. Munich should just send him an official BMW tech certificate and be done with it.


DD#2 is coming home for a week. She said she would help me assess my sewing areas and brainstorm about how to arrange them. I’ve taken over most of the other three bedrooms, but all three still have beds in them. We only get houseguests once or twice a year, so it seems silly to keep all those bedrooms set up. When our renters move into their own place—they are working toward that—we would not rent that house again but keep it as a place for guests to stay.

I’m tempted to start by moving the bed out of the spare bedroom. That would free up a lot of space. She suggested putting shelving units in there to consolidate some of my supplies. We’ll see what we can design for that room.