We Are Weeks Behind

I think spring may finally be on the way. I am trying not to obsess about how far behind I am and how much work needs to be done before the garden tour in July. I will just do the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing.

I found the first potato plant:

The morels are popping up (two weeks late!):

At this rate, summer should arrive around the end of July or so. Winter, of course, will arrive right on schedule.

Yesterday was overcast, but in the 60s. I repaired the pea trellis and got that row ready for planting. I put in the rest of the lettuce starts and labelled more plants for the sale. I trimmed up my lavender hedges. I checked on the spot where I want to put the new herb garden, although that will have to wait until everything else is planted.

The weather forecast has improved for Saturday. I am hoping people feel the urge to get out and shop for plants.

I’ll have to cut the grass soon. The husband had the tractor out a couple of weekends ago and was running it around the yard with the wagon, so it should be all ready to go.


My sewing area has shelves:

I could use three times this much shelf space, honestly, but this is good. I may have to move the bed out of this room. In order for that to happen, though, A Series of Other Things has to happen, some of which I need the husband’s help with. Ideally, I’d like to have both the serger and coverstitch machines in here.

I took out a stack of aprons I cut a few months ago. I desperately need new ones for myself, so I am going to finish them before I work on any other sewing projects.


We’ve received an offer from the insurance company for the loss of the truck and trailer. We are still waiting to hear about the tools. We’re dealing with Safeco/Liberty Mutual on the other end and there have been some hiccups with agents losing paperwork and getting fired. I think we will come out okay in the end, though, and it will be good to have that all settled.