Knot Top Success

I had great plans for yesterday, all of which went out the window once the day got rolling. The day wasn’t a complete loss, though.

The husband left for work and I set about seeing if I could assemble the front of the knot top. Amazingly, I put it together correctly on the first attempt. (If you knew just how spatially challenged I am, you would understand what an achievement that is.)

The only thing left to do on this piece is some topstitching around the knot opening, where those red clips are. The function of topstitching in that spot is to keep the facing from rolling up into the knot area, although the facing is secured in the center front seam as well.

I still have to trace the back and sleeve pieces onto pattern paper, cut them out of the fabric, and assemble the rest of the top, but the hard part is done. I’m delighted that I will be able to make additional tops like this one, both long and short sleeved. And maybe a tunic or dress after I modify the pattern a bit.

After that big win, I headed into town to get a few things to make pies for the Mountain Brook Pie Social this afternoon. I was going to pick up what I needed on Thursday, because I was in town then, but I spent more time at the DMV than I planned to and had to get home in time to do a phone interview for the interim pastor position at our church. (Our pastor is retiring this year.) I thought I’d make a quick run to the grocery store, come home, and bake pies.

[Baking is not one of my talents, although I am capable enough to be able to knock out a few pies when the occasion calls for it. I asked around to see what kinds of pies other people are baking and chose some unusual ones for my contribution.]

Just after I got home with the pie supplies, the phone rang. It was the owner of the quilt store where I purchased my new serger. When I stopped in on Thursday to pay for it, she said she thought the shipment would arrive some time next week. It showed up yesterday morning. Did I want to come in and get my machine?

I hate to make multiple trips to town in a day. I even hate to go more than a couple of times a week. I didn’t want to wait another three or four days, though, as I have a stack of projects ready to serge. I put the groceries away and got back on the road.

[But wait, there’s more.]

I brought the machine home and started to unbox it, only to discover that the store owner had sold me the wrong machine. Bernina has three L-series serger models. Tera has the L890, which is the combination serger/coverstitch machine with electronic controls. The L860 is similar to the L890, also with electronic controls but without the coverstitch feature. The L850 has manual controls. I had decided on the L860 because I already have a coverstitch machine. The machine in the box was the L890.

I called the store. The owner was very apologetic. It was a simple mistake, easily remedied, but I had to take the machine back to exchange it. I loaded up the car for my third trip to town.

By the time I got home, I had enough time to feed chickens, check on plants, make dinner, and unbox the machine before heading out to help set up for the pie social.

I have not had a chance to sew anything on it. Perhaps I will today, after the pies are baked and cooling.


It’s pouring rain at the moment, which may put a wrench in the pie social plans and force everyone to do their socializing inside our community center. We desperately need the moisture, though. I’d also prefer rain over snow at this point. Apparently, Kalispell had the coldest April on record this year. While I don’t want the excessive heat we have had the past couple of years, some warmth would be welcome, especially for the garden.