
We have an outdoor church service at a local pavilion every August. On the Sunday we had it last year, I don’t think we broke 60 degrees. Today, it will be 92. We did get some rain last night—actual precipitation that did not evaporate before it hit the ground. I’ve got doors and windows open right now, trying to cool off the house. According to the forecasts I am checking, it doesn’t look like this is going to break until the second week of September.

Oh, well. The tomatoes and melons are happy.

The husband was busy with a building project yesterday:

He is putting in a wood boiler. We have a lot of wood here to use up before it rots, and this will provide a secondary heating source for the house. Eventually, he will run lines to the old and new shops, as well. He trenched the line yesterday and ran the hose and got it all backfilled before the rain came.

I do not know much about this system. I trust the husband, though, and if he decided that this was something that needed to be done, then it must be important.

One of my jobs this week is to source more greenhouse plastic so that can be replaced as it’s been a little over 10 years since he built the greenhouse.

This has been a week of repairs. I dropped my 14” Farberware frying pan and broke the handle. I got that pan as a wedding present 32 years ago and use it every day. I actually have two because I picked up a second one at a thrift store a while back. Thankfully, replacement parts are still available. I ordered two new handles and replaced them on both pans:

And yesterday’s mail brought the repair kit for my large windchime. It broke during a storm. I’ll restring it with the new parts and hang it back up.

I also received my Pamela’s Patterns order this week. Joann Fabrics had a 60% off one regular-priced item yesterday (a rarity), so I stopped in and got enough black ponte knit to make the Magic Pencil Skirt and the Classic T-Shirt Dress. Yes, I will have a lot of black ponte pieces in my closet, but they are basics and go with everything. I think I am going to do a winter version of that dress with long sleeves and the portrait collar.

We have houseguests coming this week so I need to do some cleaning and organizing. That’s a good thing.