Out of My Way

I had such a productive day yesterday. I worked on the homestead foundation website for a few hours and added some features designed to bring in additional revenue. Once I run those changes past a couple of people, we’ll be able to start using that function.

I called Kevin and we talked about The Diva. The husband thought the part that is throwing the fault code had been replaced under recall. Kevin looked up the repair history and reminded me that they hadn’t done the repair because at the time the recall was issued, the replacement part wasn’t available. He has the part now. I am looking at the schedule—and the weather forecast, because it means a trip to Spokane—to see how soon I can get that done. The engine, theoretically, could catch on fire, and given the way 2023 has started out, I am not sure I want to wait.

I worked on the red churn dash quilt a bit more. It is coming along.

After lunch, I tackled the annual January project. I confess that I am terrible at filing. I have only a small filing drawer in my desk, so as I do paperwork—both for the construction company and our personal finances—I make a pile on my desk. When the pile gets to a certain height, I put those papers into a box. When it comes time to do tax prep in January, I sort the papers into their respective categories. One pass divides company from personal. The next couple of passes funnel everything into specific file folders.

Could I save time by filing as I go? Most certainly. I’ve tried. I’ve tried and failed so many times that I’ve given up and use the system that works for me. (If you are one of those people who waits until the last possible second to do your taxes, you’re hardly in a position to criticize my methods.) By dinnertime, all the construction company files were sorted, organized by date, and ready for me to finish up a few details in Quickbooks before handing the information off to the accountant. I’ll do our personal files today.

I did the sorting on my cutting table, which provided extra incentive to get the job done.

After dinner, I finished binding the quilt. I can’t get a good picture until the weather improves and I can hang the quilt outside, but here is a teaser:

I might go back and quilt something in that narrow blue border. I am undecided.


I have given up on the dietary changes suggested by the food sensitivity testing. I made an attempt but messed up my system in the process. I’m going to stick with foods I like that make me feel good, and that includes eggs and cheese. I find it very suspicious that every single food I tested sensitive to was something I had eaten in the few days prior to the test.

Feeding ourselves would be a lot easier if the food system in this country weren’t so corrupted with garbage. I’m happy that I only have to visit the grocery store twice a month.