Revisiting the Raglan

The serger presser foot class on Wednesday evening went reasonably well. The first time I teach a new class is always a bit nervewracking because something inevitably goes sideways. The store machine wasn’t working properly, so I couldn’t use it to demonstrate the techniques. Several of the students had brought their machines, but only a couple of them had all the feet. I had nine students, which was a goodly number. Despite the hiccups, we had a good time and they all left having learned more about their machines and the presser feet.

I was supposed to have a serger apron class this Saturday, but as of yesterday I had no students, so I cancelled it. That’s fine. I’ve got other things I need to take care of this weekend. January is a weird month for classes. After the frenzy of making stuff for the holidays, some people just want a break.

I don’t have any more classes scheduled until February.


Before class, I stopped at one of the thrift stores in town. That store has a well-stocked craft section and I scored quite a few goodies. I picked up some Aida cloth for DD#2’s cross-stitch projects, and I snagged this rolling pin for DD#1:

I need to check with DSIL’s mom—she is a much more experienced (and much better) baker than I am—but I think this is a German springerle rolling pin. It looks vintage and well used.


I prepped a couple of patterns yesterday. One was that long out-of-print See & Sew pattern for a raglan blouse; I had made a couple of muslins out of it last year, then set it aside. I am still woefully short on dressy tops, so I dug a lovely rayon print out of the stash and cut a new one. And this Burda pattern arrived in the mail:

I seem to be stuck on raglans at the moment, probably because I like how they fit. I don’t feel confident enough to draft my own, though, so I am collecting commercial patterns for future frankenpatterning. I like the Sew House Seven Toaster Sweater but want to alter the neckline on that one and make it more like the turtleneck in view D of this Burda pattern. I traced this pattern yesterday. I’ll pull some Walmart mystery fabric out of the stash and test it out.

I was expecting to be much further along by this time in 2023, but those two weeks without internet at Christmas wrecked the schedule. I think I am just about caught up. I have two homestead foundation tasks to finish up today and tomorrow and then they will be off my plate. Class prep for my February classes is already done. I’m getting there.