Is This Too Loud?

I am still trying to catch up from last week. We had an unexpected emergency here this weekend—nothing major, but it required that I spend all of yesterday attending to it. And even though it disrupted the schedule, it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The situation is sorted now and I am working to get back on track. I haven’t even unloaded my car from this past weekend.

That also means that this week’s podcast might not get posted until later today. We’ll see how things go this morning and if I can get it done before I have to leave to teach my serger mastery class.

Have you seen the Minerva video highlighting the release of their new crush velvet fabric?

I’m trying to be good and not buy anything else until I sew up some of what I’ve got, but I will need a Christmas outfit and I want something luxe. The prints are absolutely gorgeous. This one caught my eye immediately:

I love love love it but I think it might be too loud for church. I may have to go with one of the more demure prints. I’m still thinking about it. This print also comes on some of their other substrates, like the viscose jersey.

I should have started sewing my own clothes a long time ago.

Other than trying to keep my schedule on an even footing, nothing momentous is happening this week. It is the first of the month, so I have a lot of paperwork to handle. (I still hate QuickBooks online, in case you were wondering.) DD#2 asked me yesterday about plans for Thanksgiving, so I need to get those in place. I think I’ll be going to Seattle. I am looking at taking a private class at the Sewing and Design School in Tacoma that week. I’m being very generous to myself with the birthday gifts this year. (My birthday is the day after Thanksgiving.) Taking some sewing classes is exactly what I want.