I Will Try to Write a Different Sermon

“Try” being the operative word.

I pulled up the Fat Quarter Shop livestream on YouTube yesterday morning and sat myself down at the Q20 to work on quilting the king-sized top. I finished the third quadrant and thought briefly about starting the fourth one, but it takes a fair bit of effort to maneuver that thing across the table. My shoulders were feeling it. I can see the finish line though—and binding it won’t be a hardship—so I decided to leave it until next week. I’ll be happy to get it done by the end of the year.

I found someone to take my spot in the Amanda Murphy class. One of the women who works at the quilt store in town has a cousin who lives in Coeur d’Alene. Both of them were in the first serger class I ever taught here in Kalispell. I got the cousin’s phone number and called to ask if she wanted to take my spot. She was delighted. She shops at that store and indeed, when I called the store back to tell them about the arrangement, the staffperson knew exactly who she was. If I can’t take the class, I am glad she will be able to.

My phone beeped with a text from the Washington State DOT yesterday morning while I was quilting. Snoqualmie Pass was getting hammered with snow, and they had to close I-90 because of an accident involving 30 spun-out semis who hadn’t chained up. 😮

Posted here because we have to remind people not to be stupid (the guy in shorts and flip-flops is particularly entertaining):

The Flathead Valley is under a Winter Weather Advisory today. Thankfully, I do not have to go anywhere. I think the husband is planning to replace the emissions sensor in The Diva, which should make the check engine light go out—for a few days, at least, until some other part decides to give up the ghost.

We got an e-mail from the dealer in Tacoma that the husband’s new work truck is already under a recall and it hasn’t even arrived yet. We will still be able to pick it up before Christmas, but he’ll have to take it in to the dealer here some time in January when the part is available. I am starting to sound like a broken record, but this kind of stuff is reaching unimaginable levels of ridiculousness. It would be nice if we could make things that don’t break before they even get used.

We did get a welcome piece of mail this week, though:

With four businesses in Montana, it will be nice not to have to shell out the filing fees for 2024.


I retraced the McCall’s pattern yesterday afternoon but have not had a chance to cut it out yet. I had to stop and think about what seamlines I wanted to grade out, because there are a total of six—two princess seams in front, two in back, and two side seams. Grading all of them to the next size would have added way too much ease, so I only graded out the side seams.

I think I might have a big cutting session today and line up half a dozen projects. Once this quilt top is done, I’d like to attack a few more things in the quilting queue. My embroidery projects are coming along nicely, though. They are fun to work on in the evenings.