Turn the Lights On

I am chatty this week . . .

The husband installed my Valentine’s gift in the garage over the weekend:

These are new lights, and more of them. This is where I park my car and work on sewing machines, and now I can see what I am doing. Such a thoughtful gift. Much better than a box of chocolates!

That poor man worked in this garage for 20 years before we built his new shop. I don’t know how he did everything he did in here.

I quilted another column of Sunbonnet Sue blocks yesterday morning. Twelve of 30 blocks are done. I am pleased with the progress.

After lunch, I worked a bit more on the Ravenwood bag and completed the front piece with the cargo pockets:

This project is stalled until the zippers arrive. They are on the way.

[I’ve got this app called Route on my phone, which I love. It shows me when orders have been shipped, where they are in transit, and sends notifications when they have been delivered.]

I cut pieces for a second baby quilt and made 24 half-square triangles while watching documentaries about climbing Mount Everest. It’s that time of year again. I don’t know why these documentaries fascinate me. Perhaps it’s because I almost died twice (without trying), so I am trying to figure out what part of their brains those people are missing.

Robin is substitute teaching all week at a nearby elementary school. She came by after school and dropped off the raffle quilt. I will take it to sewing tomorrow and hand it off to the woman who is going to longarm quilt it. Robin is worn out at the end of the day—a room full of energetic kids will do that to you—but she doesn’t appear to have acquired my cold.

I have to go to town today. I think I’ll break up the next set of Sunbonnet blocks and do three today and three tomorrow.

I’ve lost count of how many people have said to me that they read my blog and it makes them tired. Maybe the husband and I just reinforce each other’s natural tendencies to be productive, although I am sure there is a genetic component to this. My mother doesn’t sit around, either. She still goes to work and bowls in a league and she’s 81. A busy day feels normal to me.