Purple is a Pretty Color

I don’t use a lot of purple. I am not sure why. Purple is a good color on me and it plays nicely with blue and green—colors I do love. And I am enjoying it on this Sunbonnet Sue quilt.

I attached the binding yesterday morning and got one side sewn down last night. Here is a corner of the back:

I love love love that big flower.

I’ll take this to sewing for Show and Tell tomorrow. I won’t be able to work on the binding tonight because we have choir practice scheduled at church, but the plan is to get the quilt done by this weekend and packed up to ship on Monday. I talked to my college roommate, Marcia, about what to put on the label on the back and that is done, too.

The wind is still howling. I still have a sinus headache. This weather is supposed to last through today and warm back up to something seasonable by Saturday. The air temp is currently -1F. I hate wind. (That is putting it mildly.) Wind like this just makes me cranky, even without the headache. We lost power briefly yesterday, but only for about 30 minutes.

After I attached the binding to the quilt, I basted three baby quilt tops. I have one more cut out that needs to be assembled and a fifth waiting to be cut. I started quilting one of the tops yesterday afternoon. I think I’ll do the same quilting pattern on all of them as I have a deadline. Every single one of these babies is due at the end of April/beginning of May and I’d like to have the quilts done for the baby showers.

We’ll see.

The zippers for the Ravenwood Bag arrived yesterday. I’d like to make some progress on that project, too. Funny story: When I was ordering the lengths I needed, I neglected to notice that they come in bundles of five zippers per size, probably because the bulk price from this seller is similar to the price of one zipper at Joann Fabrics. So now I have a good supply of black metal bag zippers in 7”, 14”, and 18” lengths. Hit me up if you need one.

I need to make up a class sample for the quilt store. I’m teaching a class on this New Look pattern at the beginning of May:

I made this top once, but the owner of the store where I am teaching saw it and asked to buy it from me. I am going to make another one for myself. The first one was a bit large on me. I traced one size down for the second iteration. Now I just need to decide which of my pretty rayons to use.

At some point, I also need to clean up my sewing area. Right now, it looks like someone let a couple of toddlers loose in a Joann Fabrics store. I hate to get things out and put them away, especially in the middle of a project(s) so I tend to leave things sitting out where I can get to them. At a certain point, though, too much stuff wreaks havoc on the workflow. I do have projects corralled in bins, which helps.