Apron Factory

I planted myself in my office chair yesterday morning and stayed there until I got some work done. I didn’t get as far as I would have liked, but I took a chunk off the list. I’ll finish up Monday. Today is a serger class. Tomorrow is church and a dinner our congregation is hosting for a traveling high school group.

A ground squirrel is back in the garden and wreaking havoc again. The plants are big enough now to survive a bit of nibbling, I think, but we’ll dispatch the ground squirrel if we see it.

The pigs are doing nicely. They have a network of trails through the tall grass in the pasture and come running as soon as they hear me call:

We still have four whole hogs/eight halves for sale. I’m going to put an ad in the Mountain Trader this week.

I finished two aprons yesterday afternoon. (I would have done more sewing, but the husband came home early—German Friday—and distracted me.) These were cut out a while ago and stashed with the canvas fabric. I’m glad to have them done and in the rotation. The first is from some fabric I got at Joanns. I made an apron for Elysian from this same fabric. She wears it at the plant sale and always gets comments on it.

This is one fabric I desperately wish I had purchased by the bolt, and of course, Joanns doesn’t have it any longer. In fact, I didn’t even have enough left to make pockets on mine, so I improvised with a different canvas print.

The second is from some fabric I picked up as a remnant from The Confident Stitch in Missoula.

This is a print from Anna Graham’s (Noodlehead) Quarry Trail line by Robert Kaufman.

I’ve got a third that just needs the straps, in a Cotton + Steel print from our quilt store. Of all the apron designs I’ve made, this is the style I like best for myself.


I put in another order with Wawak at the beginning of the week and it arrived yesterday. The husband saw that I had ordered a bulk pack of 10 seam rippers—why can’t I ever find one when I need it?—and three thread snips. He asked if he could have a seam ripper and one of the snips. We are a couple of tool junkies. I ordered a rivet press yesterday that both of us will be able to use. I’ve been setting all my hardware by hand on the anvil in his shop, but a press is going to make that much easier.

I told him last week that my father would approve of our tool budget if he were still here. My father was a bit of a tool junkie, too, so I come by it honestly.


I’ve got five students for today’s class. It’s raining again, so it should be a good day to stay in and sew. I expect the store to be busy. The forecast is for periodic showers through the end of June. The plants are loving it, but so are the weeds. I’ve been trying to do half an hour of weeding every day, which mostly keeps the weeds down to a dull roar.