Some Changes Are Afoot

In order to assimilate this secret project into my online presence, I have to change parts of the website. I am working diligently to mitigate the amount of disruption—to my blog readers, at least, because this is a disruption to me no matter how I go about it—but it probably will require bookmarking some new pages. I can tell you that the URL will get you to this blog one way or another. (Try it now if you’d like.)

Here is a picture of an antique Necchi treadle machine in Italy, just for fun:

I am running into some issues inherent in having several different businesses. For tax purposes, everything is run through Big Sky Knitting Designs, LLC. When I teach, I provide a W-9 and ask to have the checks made out to the business name rather than to me personally. I did that even when I was working as a transcriptionist, because I was an independent contractor. Apparently, the IRS doesn’t care (much) what entity files the tax return as long as they get their money.

However, things get a bit sticky when it comes to websites. My websites are done with Squarespace. I have been with them since Squarespace 5—close to 20 years now?—and the last thing I want to do is move. I also don’t want to have to pay for a different website for each aspect of what I do, like teaching, blogging, homesteading, etc., but finding a coherent way to integrate all those pieces has required some thought.

The Big Sky Knitting Designs website will stay the way it is, as a separate website with a store. That website is complex enough that I don’t want to mess with it. Everything else, however, is going to be under the umbrella of

I appreciate everyone’s patience as I get all this sorted.


We have a craft co-op meeting today at 2 pm to discuss the upcoming sale. The sale is scheduled for September 29 and 30 at the Mennonite Church in Creston. We will set up on Thursday, the 28th and I will be there on the 29th. I won’t be there on the 30th, though, because I am teaching the Laundry Day Tee class that day. I knew that would be a conflict, but that Saturday was open on the class schedule at the quilt store—a rare occurrence, as most Saturdays are filled—so I took it. I’ll teach the class and come by the sale afterward to help clean up.

At the moment, it feels to me as if I’ve tossed all the pieces of my life up into the air and am running around trying to get them to come down into the new pattern I want going forward. Thank goodness for the husband, who has always managed to keep me anchored when I get these wild ideas.