Sloth Week

This hasn’t been a terribly productive week. A couple of times a year—and it seems like it always happens during a full moon—I get a few days where I feel like I am moving through molasses, both mentally and physically. This has been one of those weeks. I’ve learned that I just have to wait it out. I cleaned and did laundry and organized patterns.

The husband and I had eye appointments Thursday afternoon. We’re both nearsighted, and we were told that our prescriptions had actually decreased in strength. Apparently, that is not uncommon as one gets older. That also explains the headaches I was having with my current prescription. The husband ordered new glasses while we were there. I’ll go back some time next week and order mine. It was late in the day and I didn’t feel like making decisions. I still have the glasses with my previous prescription and I’ve switched to wearing those.

I caved and bought a piece of fabric from the Walmart remnant rack.

I have looked at this piece of fabric for a month now and decided that at four yards for $6, I should just buy it and have done with it. The fabric was wrapped inside-out, which may explain why it languished on the remnant rack for so long. This is a very drapey rayon jacquard (stranded) knit that feels more like a woven. The houndstooth pattern is tiny—about 7 “teeth” to the inch. It reads gray from a distance, which is not always my best color, but I’ll make something up and see what I think. Maybe this Burda pattern? View A, on the right?

I designed and ordered some business cards for the podcast to take with me to Sew Expo as I expect to do a fair bit of networking while I’m there. I’ve already got a couple of interviews scheduled in February. I am having such fun meeting people and talking to them about sewing.

The husband asked me what I am teaching at Sew Expo. I said I was teaching three knitting classes. “Do you even remember how to knit?” he asked me, which made me laugh. I didn’t give up knitting completely—I knock out a prayer shawl every couple of weeks or so—but in his defense, he never sees me knitting because I work on prayer shawls during church and during meetings. I may have to refresh my memory on one or two techniques before Sew Expo, but I’m not in danger of ever forgetting how to knit.

I do need to work on making handouts this week and unearthing class samples from storage. I retrieved my serger class samples from the quilt store north of town yesterday. Of all the classes I scheduled there last year, I only taught one class to one student, so I haven’t scheduled any classes there for 2024.

I also want to touch base with the small quilt store in Spokane where I’ve taught a couple of classes. When I talked to the owner before the holidays, she had plans to sell most of her fabric stock, have some construction work done in the space, and concentrate on selling machines and doing custom quilting. She still plans to sell Juki sergers and wants me to come over and teach serger classes for her. Clearance sale notices for her store arrived in my e-mail this week, so it sounds like that part of the store revamp is underway. I’ll stop there on my way to Sew Expo.