Green is the Theme

After discovering that I bought a regular Creative Grids 6" log cabin ruler in February instead of a curvy 6" log cabin ruler, I ordered the correct one from Shabby Fabrics. They are in Coeur d’Alene, ID, which boded well for quick shipping and receipt. Indeed, I ordered the ruler on a Tuesday and it arrived two days later.

This ruler makes my brain hurt. Part of it is the badly-written instructions. (I commented on this a few months ago with regard to the 8" ruler. ) Part of it is that I am trimming “logs” unevenly; the logs on one side of the block are wider than the logs on the other side of the block. I have to pay very close attention to which side logs are added and how they are trimmed. The seam ripper and I have become very close friends.

It has taken me much longer than I planned to make these two blocks.

I am reconsidering the idea of making an entire quilt. A table runner might do just fine. We’ll see. The second block was easier than the first, so maybe by the time the third one is done, I’ll know what I am doing. The actual block made by the ruler is one quadrant of this larger block, and I make fewer mistakes if I chain piece all four quadrants at the same time.

The topic for this week’s podcast is scrap quilts.


After running errands yesterday morning, I stopped in at the quilt store to see how many people are registered for my serger mastery class this afternoon. (One, which is fine.) While I was there, the owner said she’d love to have a class on this pattern:

I have a chunk of Robert Kaufman Brussels Washer Linen in the stash, but I’m not sure I have enough. This dress is cut on the bias and requires almost four yards for my size. I might only have three. It’s a great dress, though, and one I could live in all summer. Shortened a bit, it would make a lovely tunic.


It is still cold and rainy here. We got snow over the weekend, although it didn’t stay long. We are spending a small fortune heating the greenhouse, but it has to be done now that the seedlings are up. The weather is supposed to improve considerably by the weekend. I’m going to plant the next round of seeds tomorrow afternoon.

The plants in the indoor lettuce system are just about spent. They are starting to bolt, so I’ve cut what’s on them and put the excess in a zip bag in the fridge. I’ll clean out and replant the whole system soon. We had salad with our spaghetti last night, and the husband commented that the lettuce was especially delicious. We are lettuce connoisseurs.