Trusses All Set

The husband has to be back at the paying jobs this week, so he made a big push to get the trusses finished yesterday. It was a beautiful, brilliantly sunny day:


I stood outside for a while watching the crew and basking in the warmth of the sunshine. The big event was the setting of the header beam over the garage door opening. I went to the back side of the garage to watch, both because I know to stay out of the way and because I could get a good shot from there:


The husband does everything very carefully and methodically. I tease him sometimes about being Safety Office Schuster, but sloppiness leads to accidents. (And yes, that is three feet of snow inside the garage walls.)

Safely lifted up and set into place!


The husband up on the ladder:


And the last truss set:


It was a good day’s work:


After dinner, the husband and I took a field trip to the greenhouse. It was 72 degrees inside. We looked around for evidence of rodents (did not see any) and I poked my head outside to assess the garden:


I couldn’t get much further than just outside the door. As the husband noted, we won’t be getting lettuce from the garden this week.

A flock of turkeys was hanging out in the pig pasture:


It’s still something of a slog to get over to the greenhouse. I’m inclined to wait another week or two before starting seeds because we’ll have to go over and turn the heater on at night and off during the day and water seedlings. I need to get seeds in trays by the first of April at the latest, though. If the long-range (10 days out) forecast holds, we should be close to 60 degrees by the middle of next week. That will help considerably.

I got a copy of the chick schedule from the farm store. I think we’re going to go with Barred Rocks this year. And we’ll have to schedule a butchering day at some point.


I started quilting that black and white quilt yesterday afternoon. I stitched in the ditch around the narrow black border, and I got almost half of the center section quilted with loops. It’s so interesting to me that the flying geese quilt did not want loops, but it has been very easy to quilt them in the center of this quilt. That just goes to show, once again, that it’s important to listen to what the quilt is asking for.

And Pat finished quilting the Ritzville quilt! She brought it to church yesterday and we spread it out on some tables so we could admire it. She did a phenomenal job. I brought it home and will get the binding on it soon.

I’m about half done with the binding on the flying geese quilt. It certainly feels good to be moving these projects along.