O Spring, Where Art Thou?

It has been a long 10 days. All of my volunteer obligations have been met, though, and I can give my attention to other tasks. Susan and I copied, folded, and taped 2400 homestead foundation newsletters on Wednesday, and Thursday. (After the first time I helped her, when we folded newsletters by hand, I bought a paper folding machine.) We got some offers of help but the timing didn’t work out so it was just the two of us. The copier needs a new fuser, though. I called the business machine company that has serviced it in the past. They are checking to see if replacement parts are still available. I bought this copier from our church about 20 years ago, and while it’s been great for the limited number of copies we make on it, I know that at some point, we’ll be out of luck.

The chicks got moved to the coop. They have recovered from their initial terror of the big chickens—Dave, in particular, wanted to know what was going on and paced around watching them—and are taking advantage of the additional space to run around. We have a flock of turkeys hanging out by the chicken coop. The two males strut around with their feathers up, gobbling and trying to impress the hens. No doubt we will see babies in another month or so.

Seedlings are up in the greenhouse and looking good. I pruned as much of the fruit trees as I could yesterday, although I need to get a ladder out there and there is still too much snow in the yard to position one securely. The weather forecast is saying 64 degrees on Monday, followed by a few days in the mid-40s before warming back up to the mid-60s.

I was able to get a photo of the front of the raffle quilt before our service Thursday night:

The colors are not quite right, but this will do until I can get a good shot outside in natural light. I like to photograph quilts on the side of our woodshed. It makes a good backdrop and the lighting is great. Unfortunately, there is still too much snow out there. (I might be saying that until July at the rate we’re going.)

I finished my Christmas class samples yesterday and will drop them off at the store next week. My sewing area(s) need to be throughly cleaned and reorganized. I’m spending way too much time looking for stuff I know I have. I also started an apron yesterday. I need about six more, but one is good.

Sinclair Patterns released a new design this week, the Delta Dress:

Karina at Lifting Pins and Needles did a review of the pattern. I like that is has princess seams. I also love that Sinclair Patterns includes a “tall” option in the pattern, which should cut down on the number of adjustments I need to make. I’ll make the longer length skirt version. Anything that ends at knee length on me looks weird.

It’ll be May, though, before I get back to making any clothing.