Inch by Inch

I gauge the coming of spring by mileposts big and little: longer days, the arrival of chicks, seedlings popping up in the greenhouse, the day I no longer have to wear boots, etc. I took the ice cleats off my mucks yesterday, because the path to the greenhouse is finally clear of ice and snow. This week, I will take the insulated shades off the windows and put them away.

Turkeys are everywhere. These two think they are all that and then some:

The flock comes to hoover up any scratch grains that fall outside the chicken yard.

Inside the coop, the peeps are busy learning to be big chickens:

We hit 60 degrees yesterday afternoon. I wish I could say that spring is here to stay, but it looks like we’re going to cool off again, with some rain. We need it.

I did not have a very productive weekend. I puttered, mostly, and cleaned and organized. I did have a brief moment of insanity late Saturday afternoon when it occurred to me that I should have made myself something to wear to church on Easter Sunday. I started to look through my patterns and fabric, then came to my senses. Beginning a project at that late hour would have led to nothing but frustration.

I am still lacking some really nice blouses, mostly because I’ve been fitting muslins. Maybe I can get a few made next month. I could also use some dresses, but those are going to take a bit more work.

This week, I have two serger classes, a board meeting, and a birthday party to attend. I’ve got a long list of little errands to chase down, too. We’ll see what I can accomplish.